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NASA’s telescope suffers from technological problems

NASA’s telescope suffers from technological problems

Hard copy from Dagens Nyheter, 2021-06-19 21:33

Original article title:

The Hubble Space Telescope orbits the Earth.

The Hubble Space Telescope orbits the Earth.

Photo: NASA/TT

The Hubble Space Telescope – which has been studying the universe for more than 30 years – has been malfunctioning in recent days, according to NASA.

The problem is that one of the Hubble computers has stopped working. According to NASA, the telescope itself and accompanying science instruments are “in good health.” An attempt to restart the computer on Monday failed.

“The mission of the computer is to control and coordinate scientific instruments,” NASA said in a statement.

The Hubble telescope was launched in 1990 and has since been sending images of the solar system, the Milky Way, and distant galaxies. A new, more powerful telescope is scheduled for use at the end of 2021.

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