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Movie Stars From The Lord Of The Rings Movies Raise Money To Buy Tolkien House – They Want To Transfer It To Tolkien Center  Foreigner

Movie Stars From The Lord Of The Rings Movies Raise Money To Buy Tolkien House – They Want To Transfer It To Tolkien Center Foreigner

Several actors from the films The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit began collecting donations to purchase the house as JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings. The idea is to turn the house in Oxford into a Tolkien Center.

Within three months, the house will be put up for sale if the required five million euros are not raised.

Among other things, Ian McKellen who played Gandalf and John Reese Davis who played Gimli and Martin Freeman who played Bilbo in The Hobbit films are also involved in raising money.

Bajins constraint

Martin Freeman played Bilbo in the Hobbit movies
Bajins constraint
Bild: 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. And Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.

“A huge challenge to raise five million”

Author and professor JRR Tolkien moved into the house on Northmoor Road in Oxford in 1930 and lived there for 17 years with his family, wife Edith and four children.

At home he wrote both first impressions Bilbo – The Hobbit Adventure And a successful novel Lord of the rings Which became a huge breakthrough for him.

Bilbo started as a bedtime story for the Tolkien kids.

Study Tolkien with the desk and bookshelves.

It was in this room that Tolkien wrote his books
Study Tolkien with the desk and bookshelves.
Bild: / Press around
JRR Tolkien, Oxford, UK

Raising five million in three months is a huge challenge, says British writer Julia Golding, who leads the fundraising campaign.

But we just need to take a look at Frodo and Sam’s journey from Vattnadal to Domedagsberget at the same time to realize we can do that.

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There is no Tolkien Center anywhere in the world

Despite Tolkien’s cult status and fame, there are no literary centers dedicated to him.

Tolkien’s global fan base is huge, but there is still no center for Tolkien anywhere in the world, says Julia Goulding.

There are centers for Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and Tolkien as influential as them.

The current owners bought the house in 2004 for less than 1.8 million euros. That same year, the house attained Grade II listed building status because Tolkien lived there.

This means that the house is of special significance and that everything must be done to preserve it. It also means that strict restrictions imposed by the authorities apply to how the home is renovated.

Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood in The Lord of the Rings

Ian McKellen played the sorcerer Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings films
Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood in The Lord of the Rings
Bild: / Press around
Lord of the Rings, Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood

Hopefully, all Tolkien fans will pull their strings

The house was built in 1924 for a well-known Oxford bookseller.

The seven-room house and spacious garden still have a 1920s feel, with parquet floors, high ceilings and tiled stoves.

In the kitchen there is another old clock system that was used to communicate with the rest of the house.

Now hopefully all Tolkien fans will pull their strings.

We can’t do it without the support of the global community of Tolkien fans, says Ian McKellen.

Those who donate at least 20 euros receive a special certificate and the more you donate, the more benefits you get.

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– If every Tolkien fan gives us barely 2 euros, we can do it, says Julia Goulding.