
Complete British News World

Media mogul Jimmy Lai has been punished twice in Hong Kong

Media mogul Jimmy Lai has been punished twice in Hong Kong

Michel Chevalier and Bjorn Billund, November.
Michel Chevalier and Bjorn Billund, November.

An innovative, future-proof approach with an integrated HR and payroll solution in the cloud

Today, it is more important than ever to implement and highlight digital business processes for everyone. Nmbrs is the clear candidate for those who want to upgrade their current “HR” and payroll system with an innovative and resilient approach to the future where the entire solution is in the cloud.

Bringing your employees and stakeholders closer to digital technology will be directly important in the coming years, says Michel Chevalier, founder of Nmbr.

An integrated solution in the cloud

The employee is constantly switching between different HR and payroll operations. These are closely intertwined and it can sometimes be difficult to locate where HR ends and the payroll process begins. With Nmbrs, an integrated solution is introduced where everything is bundled into the cloud under one roof.

– Whether it’s a safe and seamless setup process, a clear overview and communication between key people and employees, or the correct, accessible payroll, says Bjorn, our integrated human resource management and payroll in the cloud helps businesses help their customers and employees. Billund, Sweden Country Director at Nmbrs.

It engages employees and creates a more satisfied team

Today Nmbrs offers its HR and Payroll system in the cloud in two different versions; One version for finance and accounting companies and another for other companies. More than 160,000 players of all sizes use efficient and cloud-based Nmbr systems to streamline and streamline HR and payroll processes.

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– From our view that if you have both parts connected, the employee will not need to contact the payroll officer at the end of the month and be told of all the things that have been done in the HR field. Employees are the company’s most important resource and we believe that those who choose to involve their employees in the process also get a happier and more engaged team.

With Nmbrs, an employee in regards to his salary specifications can also receive questions about whether he is satisfied with the salary or his role in the company. This makes it possible to get close contact with the employee digitally, says Michel Chevalier.

Post covid means more automation

With Nmbrs, companies are given the opportunity to grow and enter a new digital era. When Covid ends, there will still be more people working from home or away from the office, so digitizing the entire process using payroll and HR is crucial to dealing with the digital transformation. Nmbrs provides a system with unparalleled efficiency that is also easy to integrate.

Companies that can offer their employees to work a lot from home or be able to travel at the same time they work will have a competitive advantage. To succeed in this, it is important to have a tool in the foreground and through our international HR and payroll system, our clients can use the applications that suit them best and with our open APIs, Nmbrs can connect to other programs and create a tailor-made digital strategy, Bjorn Billund concludes.

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More information on Nmbrs

Your company deserves the best payroll management tools and your employees deserve the best possible HR service. To achieve this, we have developed a platform where you can address the entire employee journey. We currently process more than 1 million employees in our products, in both the Netherlands and Sweden.


Contact: [email protected]