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Long-Term COVID-19 – Criticizes Decision: ‘Patient is Not Safe’

Long-Term COVID-19 – Criticizes Decision: ‘Patient is Not Safe’

Last spring, a clinic for patients suffering from long-standing COVID-19 was opened in Karolinska, Solna. In the fall, the reception was mandated to follow up all critically ill patients admitted due to the Coronavirus, La Cartdingen wrote.

Without formal mandate from the district, reception also received patients who had not received hospital care but had symptoms that lasted more than twelve weeks reducing their ability to function to at least 50 percent.

But the reception was not sufficient for all patients and in the fall they requested more resources and reports SVT Nyheter Stockholm.

This would not be the case. Instead, the Medicare and Medicaid Department decided not to refer patients from Primary Care to Karolska Solna. Södersjukhuset and Danderyd will start receiving patients, and a clinic of the same type as Solna will be built in Karolinska in Huddinge.

Michael Ranold, the chief medical officer at the Karolinska in Solna, criticizes the move.

picture: SVT Nyheter Stockholm

‘The patient is not safe’

Michael Ranold, chief physician at Karolinska in Solna, tells SVT Nyheter about his disappointment with the news.

Patience is not safe to do this now in the midst of the third wave of the pandemic. He says everything is already here.

Judith Brushfield, chief physician and infectious disease specialist, agrees.

His suggestion at all in the pandemic phase is not related to … anything, really. It is outrageous. She told Läkartidningen that he is against all evidence, knowledge and research.

According to SVT Nyheter, the reason for the change is due to a political decision that the two Karolinska hospitals will have different orientations; Specialist infection care should be provided in Huddinge.

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Lena Hanberg, Head of Specialized Care at the Department of Medicare and Medicare, tells SVT that this step will only be done after making sure it can be done in a safe manner.

Read more: Experts: They could be infected with the virus in the long term
Read more: They have been sick for a year – the long-term mysteries of the Coronavirus
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