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Labor shortage argument when countries open up in Europe

Labor shortage argument when countries open up in Europe

In the UK, infection prevalence has now fallen for two weeks, and there is also a downward trend in hospitalizations.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said most restrictions in England would be lifted next week, including mandatory mouth protection in schools, among other places. In addition, the British government will “soon” repeal the law that makes it a crime not to isolate a person if they test positive for covid-19.

“We don’t have a law requiring an obligation to self-isolate if you get the flu,” Johnson said, stressing that the vaccine protects well against serious illness caused by the omicron type of Covid-19 virus.

Restriction easing is coming After a series of warnings about the shortage of labor in various sectors. British train movement Affected, with up to a third of departures canceled, healthcare disrupted by staff shortages, and even in schools the situation is serious, with many teachers on sick leave. Not least, schools in socially deprived areas are said to have been hit hard.

In Spain, too, the spread of infection is now declining in some places. In Cantabria, the use of vaccine permits will be lifted and in Catalonia, the nighttime curfew will be lifted from Friday, according to reports. Country. However, in some places, such as the Canary Islands, restrictions have been tightened as a result of continuing high levels of infection.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez He recently said that COVID-19 could soon be considered a common flu — especially since 92.5 percent of all Spaniards over the age of 12 are now fully vaccinated.

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In France, the spread of infection has not yet reached its peak, but the government opened Thursday for a gradual opening of society in the coming weeks. Sick leave and labor shortages also play a role here. In French Bordeaux, only primary school students receive school food Three days a week due to a lack of alternatives in the school canteen, and in strained French hospitals, they are now allowed to contact staff with the virus on duty, as long as they are not showing obvious symptoms.

But the opening isn’t entirely controversial. French teachers have protested in recent weeks against what they see as arbitrary and too rapid changes to the rules, and some French fear their health will be put at risk if the opening is opened too quickly.