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‘Killer’s Creed’ is growing on several fronts

‘Killer’s Creed’ is growing on several fronts

“Assassin’s Creed” is perhaps the most important series in the game giant Ubisoft, and in the coming years several titles are planned to make the universe grow.

The game series revolves around a secret killer order that in different time periods affects historical events from the shadows. The most recent major game was the 2020 Viking saga “Valhalla”, which has been extensively updated since its release and will have a final chapter in the fall.

Back to the assets

Next year, the movie “Mirage” will be released, which revolves around the character Bassem, who had a prominent role in Valhalla. The Mirage takes place 20 years before the events of Valhalla in Baghdad, as the player follows his path from street robber to murderer.

According to Sarah Beaulieu, Head of Story at Ubisoft Bordeaux, it’s a return to the franchise’s roots when it’s released next year.

We wanted to get back to the kind of action adventure that you feel in a story-based game. We’ve focused on stealth, parkour, and of course assassination, she says in a forward Ubisoft video presentation.

Ubisoft is also beginning a collaboration with Netflix, to create three games – one of which is “Assassin’s Creed” – for the streaming giant. Netflix will also make a non-cartoon series that revolves around the game series. The TV series is in an early stage of development, as they have attached themselves to Jeb Stewart, who wrote, among other things, the “Die hard” and “Jagad” screenplays.

Japan and China

Furthermore, there is also a mobile game codenamed “Jade” set in China 200 BC, as well as a traditional title codenamed “Red” in feudal Japan and another one codenamed “Hexe” which appears to have been set in place further at that time.

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Ubisoft also announced that the previously leaked so-called “Infinity” isn’t a separate game, but rather the kind of hub that will bring together “Assassin’s creed” titles, which include “Hexe” and “Red.”

Alongside “Assassin’c creed,” some small announcements have been made, such as the PC-exclusive “Trackmania” car game that will be coming to consoles as a free-to-play title next year.

“Assassin’s creed” is a game series from Ubisoft developer. The games are about assassins of the rank of assassins, where the main opponent is the order of the Templars. The games are set at various times and important historical places.

The games were initially based on assassinations and enemy combat, but also on the freedom to climb and move freely over large surfaces, in a parkour-like fashion. However, later games, particularly “Origins” (2017), “Odyssey” (2018), and “Valhalla” (2020), are more considered RPGs with stealth elements in large, open game worlds.

In addition to the main games, there are a number of spin-offs, such as books, comic books, and a Hollywood movie starring Michael Fassbender.

The first game appeared in 2007 and since then eleven more games in the main series have been released. The latest version, “Valhalla”, was released in November 2020.