
Complete British News World

It’s time to update your online magazine app

It’s time to update your online magazine app

A while ago we launched our new online magazine. For those of you who are already e-newspaper readers, the differences won’t be significant. We’ve made navigating the app easier while maintaining the same great reading experience.

What should I do as an e-newspaper reader?

You need to update your online magazine app. On your iPhone and iPad, apps you download from the App Store are automatically updated by default. The same applies to Android phones in the Google Play Store app. However, if you have a different setup, you may need to manually update the app.

For iPhone and iPad users

Click here to go to the App Store where you can update your e-magazine app.

For Android users (Samsung, Google Pixel, Huawei, etc.)

Click here to go to the Google Play Store where you can update your online newspaper app.

You may need to log out of the app and then log back in for it to work.

What is an electronic magazine?

An e-magazine is the digital version of a paper magazine that is available to you wherever you are. You can actually read the newspaper the evening before the newspaper is printed.

When you read the electronic magazine, you can participate in the same news, reports, and crossword puzzles that are found in the paper magazine digitally. It also gives you:

• Worldwide digital access

• The ability to enlarge the text or read in article mode

• Browse the electronic magazine easily through the menu on the right

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• Ability to listen while reading in article mode

• Access the news archive – search for previous issues of the e-magazine

• All contents and functions listed in Nyhetssajt are also included in the e-magazine

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