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It's tempting and seasonal when a Region Skåne foodie creates a new menu

It's tempting and seasonal when a Region Skåne foodie creates a new menu

The new meal concept in the Skåne area means that a menu containing a number of main dishes, side dishes and desserts is always available in the care section. This means that the patient can get a hot meal regardless of the time of day.

-It is not easy to cook for someone who is sick or injured. There is a lot to take into consideration. You know your appetite isn't its best when you're sick. But the meal is very important because the patient needs nutrition, food is also a kind of medicine. Daniel Lund says a meal is often the only thing you have to look forward to during your hospital stay.

It will appeal to many

Experience says that most of us like to eat things we know and feel safe with.

– So it is important that there is breadth in the menu that attracts many people. Although we have a budget and environmental goals to contend with, good ingredients and good taste are most important of all. Daniel Lund says it tastes good number one.

Season follows

The menu in the meal concept is changed twice a year. Daniel Lund describes the latest menu change, which occurred at the end of December, as a subtle change.

– We follow the season in our choices of ingredients and dishes. So we changed our desserts and some of our main dishes. Among other things, Scanian apple cheesecake and lemon panna cotta with raspberry sauce are offered on the new menu.

Find out what's happening

The new menu also means some dishes are gone. Skåne works with cooking forecasts, which means you see what to cook based on statistics.

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– We know the dishes used and see how many servings need to be prepared. So there is extensive work being done all the time to reduce food waste. It is important that all foods being prepared are eaten.

Homemade Meatball Bobbies

The new meal concept is being offered in more and more places in Skåne and is now available in Ängelholm, Hässleholm, Kristianstad and in some districts in Malmö. And now you can see that some dishes are very popular.

– What you recognize is what is most often chosen. Homemade meatballs are obviously the dish in which we cook the most portions. Our fish dishes are also very popular. But it is important that there is something for everyone in our meal concept. Then I want to highlight our small dishes that are a good complement to the main dishes. They combine edible puzzle pieces. Sometimes, you can't afford to eat a full main course and then small plates are good as a first course.

Skåne area meal concept – new meals

  • The new meal concept in the Skåne area means that a menu containing a number of main dishes, side dishes and desserts is always available in the section. This means that the patient can get a hot meal regardless of the time of day.
  • Dishes in this concept are prepared with fresh ingredients by chefs from the Skåne region and then chilled and partially packaged. Innovative packaging means food looks the same on the plate as it did when it was put in the kitchen.
  • The new meal concept is currently available in Kristianstad, Hassleholm, Angelholm and some sections in Malmö. Measurements showed that this concept contributed to reducing food waste and increasing calorie and protein intake in patients.
  • Total food waste on wards implementing the new meal concept was 11.2 percentage points lower than in the area overall, and calorie and protein intake increased by 20 per cent when patients were fed according to the new meal concept.
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