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Interviewer: That’s why you shouldn’t go inside with shoes on

Interviewer: That’s why you shouldn’t go inside with shoes on

Interviewer: That’s why you shouldn’t go inside with shoes on

It is extremely inconvenient to enter with shoes indoors. You should even take off your shoes already before You enter through the door.

This is the conclusion of a new research study that is now receiving a lot of attention.

Take off your shoes – of course

Researchers at Marymount College in New York conducted a groundbreaking study indicating that the habit of walking in shoes in your apartments or other people’s apartments or villas is by no means risk-free.

On the contrary, it produces negative consequences that can end in big problems for the homeowner.

Taking off your shoes is normal, says chemistry professor Alessandra Leary, who was involved in the research study.

“The soles of the shoes are awful,” she tells Gothamist, commenting on the study’s findings.

Crawling on the sidewalks

In the past, there have been suspicions of introducing more dangerous bacteria than you might imagine entering your home in your shoes. The study resoundingly confirms the suspicions.

The truth is, shoes carry so many invisible, health-threatening bacteria that you should actually take your shoes off outdoors.

The research team looked at the amount of bacteria in dog feces found on the sparkling clean-looking sidewalks.

“There was a lot of creep with sterile pipettes spilling out onto sidewalks,” chemistry professor Leary tells the paper.

A bottle that fits in a handbag

The result was amazing.

Areas of pavement that appeared to have no dog feces at all contained about 31,000 fecal bacteria per unit of rainwater.

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The unit used to make everything easier to understand is each regular sized bottle that fits in a handbag.

Especially on carpets

– Our result indicates a permanent amount of fecal bacteria on the sidewalks, confirms Professor Alessandra Leary.

– Through the soles of the shoes, the pavements form a transmission corridor to indoor surfaces – especially surfaces with carpet-like objects, the professor emphasizes in the study.

Every time you walk in your shoes, the amount of fecal bacteria inside the house increases, posing health risks – not least for small children playing on the floor, but also for adults.

The density of fecal bacteria, or the intestinal flora of dogs, decreases the more you enter the home.

The worst is in the hall and rooms near the front door.

The research team stresses that the study increases the possibility of taking measures to counter the unhealthy phenomenon of fecal bacteria indoors.

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Text: Editors