In pursuit of a balance between performance and energy efficiency, mobile processors have always been designed with a combination of high-performance and low-power cores. Based on ARM, Apple’s M1 system circuit also ported a mix of large and small cores to the computer world. A little more than a year ago, Intel moved the concept to the x86 realm with the “Lakefield” family, which blends a primary core according to “Sunny Cove” with four “Tremont” atoms.
Intel clearly sees a hybrid solution as the future and in the fall “Alder Lake” will be launched, making hybrid core types standard for both desktop and laptop computers. It’s now clear that the company will be pulling Lakefield, the first trial to leave the field after an unusually short time in the spotlight.
The series consists of Core i5-L16G7 and i3-L13G4, both of which are five-core models with TDP values of 7W, with Samsung Galaxy Book S computers being perhaps the most popular use of the “Lakefield” family. According to the plan, “Lakefield” will also be used in Microsoft’s dual-screen Surface Neo computer, which was announced early in 2019 but has been postponed indefinitely.
Product shutdown begins: July 6, 2021
Last institutional guarantee: October 8, 2021
Last discontinuation order: October 22, 2021
Orders are non-cancellable as of October 22, 2021
Last Shipment Date: April 29, 2022
– Intel Corporation
The fact that Intel offers a “Lakefield” finish doesn’t make it impossible, for example, for the Surface Neo to actually use the hybrid thin processor, or for Samsung to build more laptops with the model under the hood. The deadline for manufacturers to order from Lakefield is October 22 this year, while the last deliveries will be April 29 next year. And Intel didn’t say whether the family would get a low-power alternative that also stacks core memory on the processor and graphics portion, according to Vovirus technology.
With “Alder Lake”, Intel brings out more efficient architectures “Golden Cove” and “Gracemont”, respectively, which according to leaked rendering images significantly increase multi-threaded performance. The performance bit is an unimpressive episode with “Lakefield,” which became apparent when last year’s SweClockers tested the Samsung Galaxy Book S. When the processor is integrated with Windows 11, however, glimpses are raised, suggesting that Microsoft’s next operating system for hybrid processors .
Source: Intel via Anandtic
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