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How Dangerous is the Newly Discovered Deadly Planet 2022 AP7: ‘Genocide’

How Dangerous is the Newly Discovered Deadly Planet 2022 AP7: ‘Genocide’

When American astronomers were examining the orbits of Earth and Venus, they made a terrifying discovery. A large asteroid called “planet killer” is moving in an orbit that crosses the Earth and is heading towards us.

This deadly planet has been dubbed “2022 AP7” and is the largest of its kind discovered in eight years.

What is a killer planet?

Asteroids with a diameter of at least one kilometer are called planet killers. The researchers estimate that the discovered asteroid is now between 1.1 and 2.3 kilometers long.

What happens if the killer of the planet collides with the Earth?

If the planet killer collides with Earth, all life on the entire planet can be eliminated.

The particles will be dumped into the atmosphere and stay there for years, says study author Scott Shepard at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington to The Guardian.

In addition, the surface of the Earth will cool down significantly because the sun’s rays will not reach it.

It would be a mass extinction in a way that hasn’t happened on Earth for millions of years, Sheppard tells The Guardian.

Will the deadly planet 2022 AP7 collide with Earth?

A collision between the killer planet and Earth is highly unlikely – perhaps even impossible. Enough for 2022 AP7 to pass through Earth’s orbit, but that’s currently happening when Earth is on the other side of the Sun.

When the Earth collides with the deadly planet Earth?

A possible collision between the killer planet and Earth may occur in several thousand years, but even this is by no means certain.

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– This will happen for centuries to come. And we don’t know the 2022 AP7 orbit well enough to say much about the risks it will face in the future.” Watchman.