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Here is the announcer fainting in the live broadcast

Here is the announcer fainting in the live broadcast

Once Boris Johnson announced he was stepping down as prime minister, the question arose over who would take over as Britain’s leader – and party leader.

She is now among two candidates: Rishi Sunak, the former Finance Minister, and Liz Truss, the Secretary of State.

On Tuesday, they met at the political debate of the British television channel TalkTV, but after about half an hour of broadcasting, suddenly a loud bang was heard. Liz Truss, the owner of the floor in the debate, looks terrified by something unseen in the photo.

Shortly thereafter, the broadcast stopped.

It appears that Kate McCann, the broadcaster and political editor of the channel, fainted and fell to the ground. according to telegraph It is said that Liz Truss rushed to her aid.

“Kate McCann fainted on live broadcast tonight and although she is fine, doctors have recommended that the discussion not continue,” the channel wrote on Twitter.

“We apologize to our viewers and listeners.”

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