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Hence, parking lots are ideal for solar panels

Hence, parking lots are ideal for solar panels

Solar panels on canopies that protect cars from rain, snow and sun are now mandatory in major car parks in France.

The French Senate recently approved a law requiring all new and existing parking spaces for 80 or more cars to be covered with solar panels to increase clean energy production. BBC.

Has been for many years

There is no requirement for solar panels in the UK, but solar car parks have been around for years and there are signs that they are starting to increase in number.

Solar panels in parking lots enable electricity generation in locations located near energy-cooling facilities such as hospitals, offices, or shopping centers.

High electricity prices are causing many companies to turn to on-site renewable energy in an effort to cut costs.

There is a great opportunity

According to a CPRE and UCL Energy Institute report, the potential to convert more UK car parks into solar parks is huge.

“We believe the total energy in the built environment is approximately 117 gigawatts. Of that, we believe 11 gigawatts is parking,” says the professor. Mark Barrett At UCL for the BBC.

There are 200 square meters of parking space

Currently, the UK has around 15 gigawatts of solar capacity and a total of 40 gigawatts is needed by 2030 to reach the country’s net zero target, according to Solar Energy UK.

According to Mark Barrett, 11 gigawatts of solar power is a conservative figure based on an estimate of 130 square kilometers of car parks in the UK.

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But property consultant Knight Frank estimates there are 200 square kilometers of car parks in England, and in their report CPRE and UCL assume 50 per cent of all car parks are covered by roofs rather than 100 per cent.

No matter what you think, parking lots have plenty of room for solar panels, and people are just now starting to realize it.

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read more: Parking lots with solar panels may also increase in Sweden [Dagens PS]