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He remains troubled in the church after the conservative pastor had to resign

He remains troubled in the church after the conservative pastor had to resign

In February, Fredrik Sideval, former principal of LM Engström’s Christian High School and member of the parish council in Frimodig kyrka, resigned as parish priest in the diocese of Spekeröd-Ucklum after only six months of work. This happened after an agreement with the church council. Ahead, there were anonymous protest banners calling for his resignation and a petition to support the process against him.

In an interview with Världen today, Fredrik Sidenvall talked about rumors and a smear campaign, but at the time he didn’t want to go into any detail about why the decision was made.

for review What happened, the Archdiocese of Gothenburg made a special visit to the parish of Spikerud Uklum. The visit resulted in a recommendation that the church council president and the acting vicar make their places available. If this does not happen, the diocese may merge the parish with a neighboring diocese, reports say Church newspaper (KT).

According to the Visitation Report, there is a deep divide between staff and parishioners and it is important that the parish get someone who has not been personally involved in the situation. A retired deputy is the former retired deputy of the congregation.

But recently announced Church Council President Stefan Lahren and Rep. Hanson Hanson have confirmed that they do not intend to follow the diocese’s recommendations.

– I am democratically elected. It’s not the diocese who appoints the elected representatives, so I’m still in office, Stefan Lahren tells KT.

He speaks of “a criticism based on an inferior report” and makes it clear that the church council will appeal the visitation report and reply.

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Hanson wrote in a letter to KT that there was a very strong desire for him to stay on as a replacement MP until a new MP could be appointed in orderly ways.

And according to the behavior of two The criticism of Frederik Sydenvall is above all about leadership. Three weeks after Sidenvall left the congregation, Lahren announced P4 Gutenbergthat former employees must, among other things, file complaints about poor communication and the need for control.

But Frederick Sydenvall told the broadcaster that he had received confirmation from several employees that they had not tried it that way. He speaks rather of a culture of “close connections” between “a certain group of people” in the congregation.

in an interview With Kyrkans Tidning after the radio feature, he explained that one of the things he questioned was an advisory agreement that resulted in hundreds of thousands of kroner being paid to the congregation for entertainment, above all for the annual Christmas show.

– The whole thing was that I did not agree to use church funds in this way, says Sidenvall.

During the fall, he takes the initiative to hire the Chancellor, but when the Christmas show is over, the Chancellor must have resigned from all his duties.

– Friedrich Seidenvall says of the visitation report, “It feels to me personally that the concerns which I have seen, have been witnessed and dealt with by the diocese as well.”