What happens to society when gaps widen and capital decides who belongs to what part?
Malmö filmmaker Fredrik Gjerten addressed this topic in the documentary Breaking Social – a film that received mostly positive reviews from critics.
For an hour and a half, Gerten embarks on a journey into the world of capitalism, taking viewers into issues of polarization and feelings of despair, frustration and corruption.
“Anyone who has seen some of Gertten’s earlier, closely related films such as Bikes vs Cars and Push will recognize the technical narrative structure,” wrote DN’s Helena Lindblad, who gave the film a score of four.
“The film never manages to put together the pieces of the puzzle of how kleptocratic capitalism’s self-image collides with reality into a comprehensive, action-ready analysis,” wrote Sydsvenskan’s Michael Taber, who submitted Part Three.
Average rating is based on 2 out of 3 reviews because one felt underrated.
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