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Football: The British Foreign Secretary opens the door for England to boycott the World Cup

Football: The British Foreign Secretary opens the door for England to boycott the World Cup

On Thursday, former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, 66, and his 33-year-old daughter were found dead on a park bench outside a shopping center in Salisbury. According to police who spoke to the Evening Standard, they were exposed to an as-yet-unknown substance.

The former double agent Skripal was sentenced to prison in Russia in 2006, but was granted asylum in England in 2010 thanks to an exchange of spies between the two countries.

There is no official comment from the UK yet

The British government in Downing Street did not want to comment on the possibility of Russia's involvement in the poisoning.

But that did not stop the outspoken Boris Johnson from speaking out. He points out that Russia was behind many previous crimes. If it turns out that Russia is behind this, he wants to see a boycott of the World Cup.

– I find it difficult to see how an English team can participate in the World Cup finals. Russia has engaged in many hostile activities, and we in the UK must stop them even if we have to be careful about what we say. But if the suspicions turn out to be true, we should move forward with sanctions, Johnson says.

Russian official comments sympathized with the couple, who were in critical condition, describing them as a “tragic disease.”

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