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FHM: Keep the test on entry to Sweden

FHM: Keep the test on entry to Sweden

Those who have traveled outside the Nordic region should get tested as soon as possible, preferably on the same day, even if you do not have symptoms. Those who have been fully vaccinated for two weeks, and children under six, do not need the test.

Sarah Bayfors, unit director at the Swedish Public Health Agency (FHM), explains the need for expanded recommendations by saying that a relatively large proportion of confirmed cases come from trips abroad, something they have been able to see in the infection tracing business. .

– Therefore, we would like to pick it up as soon as possible, says Byfors.

The Swedish Public Health Agency does not have the opportunity to verify how many people are actually being tested when they travel outside the Nordic region.

– You can see how many people have tested positive for the recommendations, but not how many have tested negative. It’s hard to collect those stats.

After entering from countries outside the Nordic region, you should be careful in your dealings with others and, among other things, avoid meeting people in vulnerable groups. One should pay close attention to mild symptoms and stay away from others, according to the FHM.

Even those exempted from the recommendation should continue to follow the public health agency’s general advice and pay special attention to post-travel symptoms, according to the agency.

The extended recommendation is valid until October 31.

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