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Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Minecraft.  And Minecraft monsters are coming to Dungeons & Dragons.

Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Minecraft. And Minecraft monsters are coming to Dungeons & Dragons.

Soon it will be possible to play Dungeons and Dragons in Maine Craft via DLC that will be released sometime in the spring.

Dungeons and Dragons– add to Maine Craft It was introduced during yesterday’s D&D Direct and is developed by Mojang in collaboration with Dungeons and Dragons Creator Wizards of the Coast. In addition to the DLC, a new D&D set introducing monsters from Maine Craft In the role-playing world of D&D.

You will find a first look at how to do this Dungeons and Dragons– add to Maine Craft It will look like in the video above. Want to know more about how it works with Minecraft monsters in the role-playing version of Minecraft? Dungeons and Dragons So find a clip about it below.

computer games ,

Dungeons And Dragons, Minecraft, Role Playing, Wizards Of The Coast, Mojang, Microsoft

Dungeons & Dragons video game is coming to Minecraft
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