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Different game screens for different players |  Games for fun

Different game screens for different players | Games for fun

Just as different hockey clubs suit different hockey players and different soccer shoes suit different soccer players, so does the gaming world. Many have carefully chosen mice, keyboards and mouse mats, but sometimes they do not realize how important this difference is gaming screen He can. If you’re still sitting with an old monitor you inherited from your older brother ten years ago, you’ll get a shock when switching to a modern monitor. Monitors today work quite differently than they did when your brother bought his. The resolution is generally higher and thanks to this much better picture.

Newer monitors also have a much higher refresh rate than older monitors. Many of the old monitors are 60Hz, while today they are becoming more famous and popular with 244+Hz. This means that what you see in front of you on the screen is updated faster than it was on the old screen. For example, if you play an FPS like Counter-Strike or Apex Legends, you will see opponents approaching the corner faster. Also games like the last of us There will be a huge difference in game quality if you use a better screen. So you get a real advantage if the opponent sits with a 60 Hz monitor. This difference applies and is important for all games to varying degrees. Today, there are even racing drivers who Practice by playing on the screen And that wouldn’t have been possible with a worse screen.

Different screens are better suited for different games

The above differences are those that are generally considered important when choosing a monitor. Then of course, there is also the case that some features are more important to players in one game than another. Some games do not require a high refresh rate like Counter-Strike and others where you have to react very quickly. If you primarily play Counter-Strike, then the frequency of the update should be something you attach great importance to. It is also generally recommended that CS players not have a very large screen. Compare that to players who mainly play racing games. Instead, they want a screen as large as possible. They also want a high refresh rate.

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Esports is growing in popularity, and today even SVT has its own Electronic Sports Editorial Board. If there is something you want to invest in, it is important to have the gear required to be the best. You may not be able to start with the best at all, but look around and find the screens that best fit your needs. There are many good screens out there that don’t have to cost much.