You may remember them, the arcade machines. In the corner of the cafe. Against the wall in the pub. At a booth in the square.
It was Space Invaders, it was Galaga, it was 1941. The titles were different but they were from the same type of game – you get shot with thousands of digital bullets and you don’t have to get hit.
I remember one in particular, it was called Raiden, that came out in the ’90s and was developed by Seibu Kaihatsu. You’ve piloted a spacecraft that flew over tanks, warships, and of course enemy planes. Everyone shot. It was important to re-shoot, shoot everything, avoid getting hit and pick up reinforcements, that is, reinforcements for your own ship.
You can get hit once, and then lose everything you painstakingly collected; You probably had three lives, maybe four or five if you accumulated an extra life.
The novice may know Play for a minute, while an experienced player can get through it all In 37 minutes. I probably didn’t get more than 24 minutes, even though I’ve played it for maybe ten years. The vast majority of games ended with a sloppy kick after seven or eight minutes.
Then there was nothing to do but search the pockets and see if there were any coins left to extract.
I just got the video game “back”Produced by the Finnish company Housemarque. Supplied with a warning text: This is a difficult game, she says. I don’t even understand what they mean. All games are hard before you learn to play them, right?
It’s just like “Raiden” Once upon a time, despite thirty years of technological development later: enemies that shoot bursts, paths to reach, and blows that make you lose power, you have the equivalent of three or four extra lives. And if you die, as you always do, you have to start from scratch.
And the tech upgrades are ambitious: You move in 3D, the sound is part of the game and not just the soundtrack, and the manual control rings so you can feel it all over your body.
I read reviews on the Internet and found that many young people of our time are weak. They complain that you have to start all the time. They complain that you can’t always start over from the point where you have reached the furthest point. They are calling for changes in the game. They think this is a bug in the game and not with their patience. They obviously want to curl up when they’re playing.
All I have to say is: Welcome to a real video game.
Read more kåsrier by AugustinLike this when he leads in proving we’re stuck in one A time ring from the 80’s Or when he’s referring to those knives Exaggerated.
“Entrepreneur. Freelance introvert. Creator. Passionate reader. Certified beer ninja. Food nerd.”
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