On Monday afternoon, prime ministers and presidents rotated in Glasgow. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, gave one of the most tangible speeches in three minutes. He made five promises aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions in India. Modi himself describes it as an “unprecedented commitment on the part of India”.
India will increase its non-fossil capacity to 500 gigawatts by 2030.
2. India will meet half of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2030.
By 2030, India will reduce its estimated total carbon dioxide emissions by one billion tons.
4. By 2030, the country will also reduce the carbon dioxide intensity of its economy by 45%
5. India will achieve its zero emissions target by 2070.
Today, India is the world The fourth largest emitter of carbon dioxide after China, the United States of America and the European Union. However, the large population means that per capita emissions are much lower than in many other countries. In 2019, India exported 1.9 tons per capita, compared to 15.5 tons in the United States.
India is 70 percent dependent on energy from coal energy. At the same time that the country is at the forefront when it comes to investments in renewable energy, especially solar energy, new coal mines are opening.
In the past, India was not ready to make any commitments associated with years and numbers. The country’s politicians have prioritized economic growth. In recent decades, tens of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. As the middle class grows, so does the need for energy, as families with more money to move buy cars, light motorcycles, refrigerators, and air conditioners.
Unlike countries And China, India is decades away from its peak in terms of economic growth and energy consumption. India’s energy demand is expected to increase more than any other country in the next few years. India is also expected to overtake China and become the most populous country in the world by 2030.
Ahead of COP26, Britain, the host country, lobbied aggressively for countries to support the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. According to the United Nations Climate Committee, this is a prerequisite for achieving the 1.5 degree maximum temperature target. Many countries have already adopted national zero-emission targets by 2050. These countries represent nearly 70 percent of the global economy. China aims to be climate neutral by 2060.
According to climate experts, it is realistic to believe India could become climate neutral between 2070 and 2080.
Narendra Modi He received applause for his tangible message from several quarters.
– This was a very important moment for the Climate Summit. These measures could mean that India’s annual greenhouse gas emissions could peak by 2030. This shows real leadership from a country whose per capita emissions are about a third of the global average. The rich world must now respond and deliver a strong increase in international climate finance, British climate ecologist Nicholas Stern tells Watchman.
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