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Check out the multiplayer street map from Halo Infinite

Check out the multiplayer street map from Halo Infinite

A smaller map promises really tough work.

infinite aura Approaching super fast – December 8 is the time – and the latest single player review He seems to have made a good impression on many. But as you know, the game also has multiplayer, although this time it will be free.

Reviews from those who participated in the multiplayer game tests were generally positive, and in a recent video, we regular humans are now taking a look at one of the maps. It’s named after Streets, and it’s a name that definitely lives up to it. It’s a smaller map that takes place partly in dirty streets lit by neon signs, and partly in smaller buildings that provide good opportunities to attack opponents from above from balconies and ledges.

Level designer Kayleigh George explains that it’s a 4v4 arena map suitable for Strongholds and Oddball, among others. It’s of course possible to play Capture the Flag in a custom game, but George points out that it’s always a little tricky on asymmetric maps, designed for battles that flow across all parts of the path rather than defending a single point.

On December 8th, it’s time to either buy the single player promotion or just play a multiplayer game for free.

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