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Call for results for the third quarter of 2021

Call for results for the third quarter of 2021

The Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group) announces the results for the third quarter of 2021 on Tuesday, October 26 07:30 CET.

Telecommunications and Internet Broadcasting
A telephone conference will be held on October 26 at 09:00 CET and will be chaired by Webcast, Chairman and CEO Anders Jensen; Gabriel Katrina, CFO; And Matthew Hooper, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer. The presentation will be webcast at the link:

Call information
Use the following phone number to participate:

Sweden: +46 (0) 8 50 69 21 80
UK: +44 (0) 207 192 8000
United States: +1 63 15 10 74 95

Phone conference code: 3256716 (“Confirmation Code”).


Information to the Editorial Office

Viaplay, the streaming service of Nordic Entertainment Group AB (publ) (NENT Group), is based in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Viaplay will launch in the United States in 2021, the Netherlands and the UK in 2022, and Canada, Germany, Austria and Switzerland until the end of 2023. We operate streaming services, TV channels, radio stations and production companies. The aim is to tell stories, touch people and broaden perspective. Headquartered in Stockholm and with a global perspective, the NENT Group is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘NENT B’).

Contact us: (Eller Nicholas Smith, Senior Communications Manager: +46 73 699 1700)

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Data protection:
Read more about the NENT Team and Data Security, Click here

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