In terms of technology, Swedish healthcare takes the lead, yet Swedish healthcare loses more hours due to downtime than healthcare...
Tina Santiago
Sounds for Mindmor:- I can recommend Mindmor! Short workouts seem like an oxymoronFor all the great information flows you encounter...
If you're stressed, you're normal, because only when you have a lifestyle where everything is maximized do you risk burnout....
Skåne University Hospital is the first in the Nordic region with a new technology in radiotherapy where the beam tracks...
Great Britain: A desperate Boris Johnson pleads before the vote The vote of no confidence in British Prime Minister Boris...
Great Britain: Boris Johnson announces his resignation Boris Johnson said in his resignation speech outside the Prime Minister's Residence today...
Fewer hotels on Spain's sunny coast than usual say they intend to close again for the upcoming off-season. Many of...
In his debate piece, Petros Ulander aptly points out some of the problems with handing more and more political influence...
Not only does internal stress and pressure increase in workplaces, but it increases even more in daily life. Physical exercise...
Peter Nolskog, assistant infectious disease physician, doesn't understand why there have been so few cases of TBE in Skaraborg this...