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Asus promises a fix and improvement after the storm of criticism

Asus promises a fix and improvement after the storm of criticism

There has been a huge storm around computer manufacturer Asus following recent reports about how the company handles cases of complaints. Among others, Gamer Nexus published one Outstanding video Titled “Asus fooled us” (Asus fooled us) they sent a damaged product for repair but instead received a quote for a higher amount – which also only solved the problem cosmetically.

A similar story was reported from a customer in Canada, who sent a graphics card for repair to an Asus service center, and received a repair quote of around 30,000 kroner – thousands of kroner more than the cost of a new card.

The criticism did not escape Asus, which has now chosen to publish job On its official website, it apologizes and announces a review of its complaints policy related to the Canadian and American markets.

Recent feedback has revealed some shortcomings in our communication process regarding RMAs in the US and Canada. We sincerely apologize to our customers for any confusion or frustration they may feel as a result. We've taken the feedback on board and are now committed to making improvements. -Asus

Asus also writes that it is now handling cases on an individual basis with all customers who have contacted us and that a series of complaints-related changes will be implemented from May 16, 2024.

Publish the list of changes

Among the changes listed are that the company must review its prices for repairs for products not covered by warranty, stop automatic repair offers for cosmetic defects, and clarify which repairs are offered for free and what conditions apply to the product in question. .

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It's now up to Asus to implement the changes in a way that regains customer trust – but the uphill battle may still be too steep for the Taiwanese company.