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Assignment to organize an experimental activity with supplementary educational education leading to obtaining the degree of a basic teacher or the degree of subject teacher

Government awards Stockholm University, Linköping University, Royal. University of Technology, University of Karlstad, University of Central Sweden, University of Malmö, University of Gävle, University of Halmstad, University of West and University of Mallardalen have been commissioned to organize a pilot project with supplementary pedagogical education leading to a basic teacher degree or subject. Stockholm University and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Technological University shall arrange education together and obtain joint admission. The purpose of the pilot project is to get more qualified and licensed teachers into the school by enabling a broader target group of people with a previous degree from a university or college to study to become teachers through supplementary educational education.

Experimental activities will start in 2022 and continue until January 31, 2028. Education will be arranged in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Governing Experimental Activities with supplementary pedagogical education leading to a basic teacher or subject teacher degree. Distance education must also be arranged at one or more institutions of higher education.

Linköping University shall coordinate the experimental activities and be responsible for producing a partial report of the experimental activities with proposals for any modifications to them. Government offices (Ministry of Education) must have received the interim report no later than November 1, 2024. Linköping University must also submit a final report on the overall experience of higher education institutions of experimental activities no later than November 1, 2027. The coordination task also includes informing government offices (Ministry of Education) with the same experience.

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Each higher education institution that is part of the pilot project must indicate in its annual report the number of full-time students, previous grades obtained by accepted students and any educational disciplines arranged and report on the outcome of the initiative. Higher education institutions should also participate in the partial report and the general report on the experimental activities. Furthermore, higher education institutions must collaborate, document and constantly monitor how experimental activities are going on.

In 2022, higher education institutions will receive funding to plan and start education. For the fall semester 2022, the letter of organization for fiscal year 2022 on credits 2:64 Special Expenditures within Universities and Colleges states the number of places each higher education institution can rank the most. Linköping University must submit to government offices (Ministry of Education) no later than 15 April 2022 with a proposal for the distribution of educational places among higher education institutions for the period 2023-2027.