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Annual report 2022 with its precise details

Annual report 2022 with its precise details

From drawing new maps, inspiring award winners, extensive pre-election advocacy work, and a dynamic leadership symposium – 2022 has been an eventful year to say the least. If you’d like to take part in everything we’ve done, you can browse the digital report.

Here’s a repeat of a favorite, a look back at 2022. You’ll find the lion’s share of all the initiatives in the Annual Report that was submitted in connection with the Annual Meeting.

New mapping

The year began with new mapping of Swedes abroad to get an updated picture of the needs, situation and driving forces of Swedes abroad, but also to get an estimate of how many Swedes live abroad – and where. With the help of all embassies and the majority of consulates and consuls general, we now know that there are approximately 700,000 Swedes worldwide and that love is the main reason why Swedes move abroad.

The election

The biggest focus this year was, of course, on the elections. Our goal was to make the voting process as easy as possible so that as many people as possible could use their democratic right to participate in elections. We found out the views of parties in parliament on issues affecting Swedes abroad, highlighted practicalities such as the electoral register and different voting procedures, and interviewed experts and Swedes abroad. Last but not least, we discussed some of the issues affecting Swedes abroad and their daily lives with party leaders and representatives of other Riksdag parties in the Livefika Valspecial interview series.

Guarantee pension

During the year, much focus was placed on the fact that retirees living abroad lose their guaranteed pension at the turn of the year, a decision affecting approximately 58,000 pensioners. We have been working on the issue of guaranteed pensions for several years and are trying until the end to persuade politicians to discuss our settlement proposal. In short, the proposal is that retirees living abroad who already have a guaranteed pension will still be able to participate in it, while others will need to comply with the new rules.

Authorities and experts

Our advocacy work is the foundation of our work. Last spring, University and College Board Director General Eno Örnfeld said he had launched an internal investigation Regarding recalculating high school grades to the Swedish grading scale after our pressure. We followed up with a meeting with the investigation team Now waiting for a response.

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We have held meetings with the Swedish Migration Agency regarding matters of communication, citizenship investigation and declaration, and are constantly adding to the list as various experts answer members’ questions.

We also raised the needs of Swedes abroad in an interview with the private investigator and former Director General of the Medical Products Agency, Katarina Andersson Forsman. The dialogue meeting was part of an investigation into electronic prescriptions and patient safety within the European Economic Area.

Live coffee

In our popular Livefika series, we were visited by, among others, the Swedish Pensions Agency, hockey legend Mats Sundin, Grant Thornton and the Swedish Professional Association. The majority of live coffee is exclusive to our members.

Swedish of the Year in the World and Honorary Award

The Swede of the World this year was Zara Larsson. In addition, for the first time, we awarded an honorary Swedes of the World Award to Barbro Oscher. The two award winners shared one Live awards ceremony They provided personal insights and funny anecdotes.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Foreign Affairs

We have very good relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the basis for constructive dialogue. In connection with the annual meeting, then Foreign Minister Anne Linde invited Sweden’s members of the world to a reception at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the new Swedish Foreign Minister, Tobias Billström, attended a meeting. Live Coffee on December 15th He gave, among other things, his view on Swedes abroad being important to Sweden, the upcoming EU presidency, and on Sweden’s commitment to its citizens abroad.

Successful leadership at home and abroad

Last fall, we held a highly regarded leadership symposium in Stockholm with the aim of highlighting the value of international experience and competence, and successful leadership at home and abroad. The day included dynamic, personal and reflective conversations about the value of international experience with Lars Strångård, Dean of the Stockholm School of Economics; Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO of Volvo Group; Karl-Henrik Svanberg, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volvo Group; Mats Granried, Director General of the GSMA; Hockey legend Mats Sundin; Claudia Olsson, founder of Stellar Capacity and Swedish for Professionals; Frederic Hilson, CEO of Novar; Anna Sevenger Åslund, Director of Human Resources at Essity and Alison Kirkby, President and CEO of Telia.

The year in numbers

Here we summarize the year in numbers.

Business report in its entirety

Curious about everything else we did in 2022? Then we advise you to read the entire report.

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