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Ai and “Magic windows” – Here’s the news from Google I / O

Ai and “Magic windows” – Here’s the news from Google I / O

At the annual Google I / O development conference, the tech giant presented a raft of tech news. A lot of them were all about developing AI, among other things, chatting, search engine optimization, and disease identification.

Due to the pandemic, there was no Google I / O last year, so the news has been more widespread this year. Perhaps the most talked about was the so-called Starline Project.

The technology uses machine learning and computer vision to create what the company itself calls a “kind of magic window.” Through the window, you can see another person in 3D, talking, gesture etc., without any VR headset according to Google, the feeling is as if the person is sitting directly in front of you. To know Machine learning and its concepts, you can enroll in any industry-based Machine Learning Course in London and learn about emerging technologies of it.

Starline is so far only available in some Google offices, as it requires dedicated hardware and equipment. It is also categorized as a concept test. But the goal is to make technology cheaper and easier to access.

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Conversations with chat kites showed

Otherwise, a lot was related to AI. Among other things, it was shown chatt-ai: n Lamda Language Model for Dialogue Applications, upp. The pre-recorded and triggered chat conversation shows a much more complex AI than that used in many chatbots today, which was illustrated by a conversation with a kite.

According to Google, Lamda can “speak freely on a seemingly infinite number of topics”. However, the technology is not fully developed yet, but Google expects the launch to take some time.

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Another artificial intelligence to improve what Google is known for is the search function. Through new technology “Multitasking standardized model“Or mom, she must be able to answer more complex questions than before. The example raised in I / O is the question” I’ve climbed a mountain. Adams wants to climb Mt. Fuji fall next, how should I prepare? “.

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To get an answer to such a complex question today requires a number of searches, but the point is that it must be aligned with one question. My mom is trained in 75 different languages, but it is not clear if Swedish is one of them.

Read more:Before you open the application, you will be monitored.”

OS integrates with Samsung

A number of news about the Android OS have also been presented, which we write more about here.

The Android equivalent in small gadgets is called Wear OS smartwatches and is now integrated with Samsung Tizen OS. Through cooperation The promises of the tech giants Better performance, longer battery life, and more apps available.

A new one was also featured in I / O fotoigenkännings-ai above. This technology should be able to recognize common diseases through images of skin, hair and nails captured with a portable camera. The hope is that a pilot project will be launched later this year.

On another ai He should be able to identify tuberculosis based on X-rays. And a third box Create animations Based on two different images in the same place.

Nia Chrome browser features Security must be increased by recognizing when the password was suspected of being compromised, and also making it easier to change it.

Google Workspace digital workspace New features This is mainly to facilitate switching between different applications, such as starting a Meet video call directly in Google Docs.

Anyone who wants to watch the full Google broadcast can do this Here. For those with no two hours left, we recommend a nine-minute recap.