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After many were reported to be infected with Salmonella, baby eggs came to mind

After many were reported to be infected with Salmonella, baby eggs came to mind

After many were infected with Salmonella, the UK chose to stop selling Kindergarten. So far, four Swedes have contracted salmonella after eating chocolate eggs.

Photo: Instagram hemmakvall_karlshamn

A salmonella outbreak is currently taking place in Europe and four cases have been detected so far in Sweden. “It’s an international explosion, and it’s been going on for a while,” says Mates Lindblatt, of the National Food Administration. What is common to all who are sick is that they ate the chocolate egg kinder surprise.

“Relatively bad variation”

“It mainly affects children and this can be a relatively difficult variant, many of which had to be hospitalized, which appears to be more serious than normal salmonella,” says Mates Lindblatt. Cases of the disease can be detected at a chocolate factory in Belgium and the National Food Administration is now involved in mapping eggs. They do not currently know how many chocolate eggs there are with salmonella in Sweden. They have been in contact with the factory and Swedish retail chains to map how much KinderCall is being delivered to Sweden from the factory in Belgium. A total of 125 cases have been confirmed in Europe. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and France, they have chosen to recall Kinderäggen.

Source: Aftonbladet

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