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Activist honors Taliban’s broken school promise: ‘Showing his true face’

Activist honors Taliban’s broken school promise: ‘Showing his true face’

The start of term was a disappointment for many girls in Afghanistan who were allowed to go to school for the first time since the Taliban took power in the country this summer. The girls were sent home from several schools, according to Agence France-Presse, which was on site at the Zargona Girls’ School in the capital, Kabul.

– Suddenly we were asked to leave so that other decisions could be made, says Azimi, who will return to the twelfth year. What did we do wrong? Why do women and girls have to put up with this? I ask the Islamic Emirate to open our lessons.

Students crying

The students packed up their things with tears in their eyes – just hours after the school opened.

– It hurts to see their students cry, says the teacher Balwasha.

Many fear that the Taliban will prevent girls from going to school, just as the last time the extremist movement ruled the country was in 1996-2001. The Taliban regime had promised that wouldn’t be the case, and younger boys and girls had been able to go to school since last fall.

Schools will open on Wednesday for girls in grades six and above. Inamullah Semanghani, a Taliban spokesman, confirmed the girls were sent home.

– Yes, that’s right, he says.

Afghanistan expert: Broad changes needed

The status of women has deteriorated with a number of new bases introduced by the Taliban, according to Afghan expert Helen Lackenbauer at the Swedish Defense Research Agency FOI.

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Among other things, their freedom of movement was restricted. Ideally, they should bring a male companion when moving outside the home. Airlines have also been urged to prevent women from wanting to travel on their own.

– At the same time, it must be remembered that the position of the woman before the seizure was also not good. Even then, there was still a long way to go for women to enjoy equal conditions. Extensive structural changes are needed, SVT’s Morgonstudion told.