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A new book reveals Boris Johnson’s shock after his Brexit victory in Great Britain

A new book reveals Boris Johnson’s shock after his Brexit victory in Great Britain

Author Anthony Selden has written about the reigns of every British leader from Margaret Thatcher to David Cameron. Now he has written about Boris Johnson with Raymond Newell.

The book, which will be released on May 4, is based on conversations with inside sources. An excerpt published in British media on Monday depicted the days following a Brexit victory.

Boris Johnson is said to be pacing his living room “ashen-faced and confused” muttering that they have no plans. The Independent.

– I didn’t think about it. I don’t think that will happen. Damn, what are we going to do? Boris Johnson is said to have said, according to the book.

The protesters knocked on the window

The authors also write that “those who knew Johnson well never saw him more frightened and horrified than at this moment of triumph.” Oliver Luce, an adviser to Boris Johnson during his time as prime minister, says he believes it was a miscalculation on Johnson’s part.

– He considered it a win-win situation. “If I lose, I will position myself as a Eurosceptic hero and have a good starting position to win the party leadership next time. If we win, I will become prime minister,” he said.

After the victory, Johnson moved from his home to a victory party with other Brexiteers. As he was chased away the street outside was filled with protesters who crashed into the window.

– Boris looked with fear. He stared blankly straight ahead and realized everything had changed from now on, says a source with access to the book.

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Betrayal of a friend

After the resignation of Tory leader and “Remain” advocate David Cameron, the battle for the party leadership began. For Boris Johnson, it was the chance to get the job he’s been chasing for so long, but suddenly another Vote Leave friend stood against him. Hours earlier, Boris Johnson’s campaign manager Michael Gove announced his candidacy:

– Boris cannot provide the leadership or build or unite the team to take this country forward.

The statement reportedly made Boris Johnson cry.

– One of his colleagues says in the book that this was one of the few times I saw him in tears.

Boris Johnson has not commented on the book’s content.

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