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A historic discovery in Norway – turning attention to Sweden

A historic discovery in Norway – turning attention to Sweden

A famous fast food restaurant chain in Sweden

Amid a wave of bankruptcies, a new fast food chain is set to establish itself in Sweden.

American Five Guys is making a major Swedish investment.

The chain, which sells hamburgers, hot dogs and sandwiches, plans to open ten restaurants in Sweden within five years. The first will open its doors in Stockholm in 2024.

Businessman Noel Abdel Dayem is behind this major investment. In a first step, he has invested approximately SEK 50 million in the project via his investment company NCPA Capital, according to Di.

-I personally have been a loyal customer of Five Guys for many years. Every time I go to the United States, Dubai or England, I take the opportunity to visit one of them, the businessman tells the newspaper.

Thousands of restaurants

The first Five Guys restaurant opened its doors in 1986 in Arlington, Virginia.

Today, the fast food chain has more than 1,700 restaurants in several countries, including the United States, France, Ireland, Dubai, Qatar, Great Britain, Germany and Austria.

In addition, another 1,400 restaurants are about to open.

Strict concept – must be followed

Five Guys' specialty is hamburgers made from scratch with fresh ingredients. Burgers are usually served with French fries cooked in peanut oil.

– We only use fresh ground beef and use only peanut oil, this is what the chain confirms on its website.

Strict rules mean that neither chicken nor vegetarian options will be included on the menu.

-There will only be beef burgers, fries and shakes. You should not change a single millimeter of the concept, Noel Abdel Dayem tells Di He explains that there are also strict requirements to use the same ingredients, both in the USA and Sweden.

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-We have to start a bakery and can't make a menu based on local suppliers.

Facts: Five men

– Founded by Jerry and Janie Morrell in 1986. The name “Five Guys” was taken after the five male members of the Morrell family.

– It has approximately 15,000 employees

– Head office in Virginia, USA

Photo: S. Slim or M. cardamom

Text: Editors