A collaborative project was launched during the visit of the British duke couple
When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited ArkDes, a collaborative project was launched between the museum and the British Embassy in Sweden – Housing Design Exchange: London / Stockholm. The British Embassy and ArkDes invited British and Swedish architects to exchange with the housing issue at the center. The Architectural Exchange ends with a seminar in Stockholm on March 27th.
The Stockholm and London long tradition of sharing ideas in architecture and urban planning continues through principled collaborations that become a platform for the exchange and discussion of ideas, ideas and experiences.
– We are very pleased to work with ArkDes on this exciting initiative. As London and Stockholm face similar housing challenges, the project was executed on time. We hope that it will generate good ideas for improving housing design in both cities, but also create lasting relationships between the participants and possibly lead to future cooperation between them, Says David Kearns, the UK ambassador to Sweden.
– London and Stockholm share big challenges when it comes to creating housing for their growing population. The housing design exchange will provide the opportunity to create networks, share knowledge, and develop a dialogue about urban design in the UK and Sweden. We have to raise the bar for home design in both Sweden and the UK, and the six talented architects that we will bring together in the discussion have a lot to learn from each other in this regard. We are grateful that the British Embassy gave us the opportunity to create new relations, cooperation and discussions in this important field, Says Kiran Long, Supervisor at ArkDes.
The architectural firms involved in London are London Mae Architects with Alex Ely and Helen Clark and Lynch Architects with Patrick and Claudia Lynch and vPPR Architects with Catherine Pease. From Stockholm, Belatchew Architects is partnering with Rachel Bellacho, Lena Odelberg, Cod Architects with Sana Hydros, Asa Kallsteinius and Gennifalt Milton with Konrad Milton and Karl Jennivalt.
During their visit to ArkDes, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were able to see an exhibition of architecture in Sweden and get to know the young designers behind four works in the Young Swedish Form. There were three British architectural firms at the site – Caruso St John Architects, Foster + Partners and David Chipperfield Architects – working on three projects in Sweden. During the visit, ArkDes showed an original blueprint for the city library designed by Gunnar Asplund.
For interview and registration questions for the seminar on March 27th, contact maria.ostman@arkdes.se or 073-273 36 00.
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