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More cases of the new delta variant

More cases of the new delta variant

A total of 25 cases of the delta variant B.1.617.2 with the E484Q mutation have now been detected, of which 10 have been confirmed and 15 remain unconfirmed.In total, there are four different infection chains in Uppsala province of this type of virus that appear to have been infected in Sweden and two other chains of infection linked to air travel from abroad.

– So we have community spread of this kind now, says Mats Martinel, director of sampling in the Uppsala region.

Of the 25 people found to have this new type of delta, four were fully vaccinated and nine received a dose. But no one ended up in the hospital.

Does it have greater vaccine penetration than other delta variants?

Yes, in this limited article. It has a vaccine mutation of nearly 70 percent. It is very annoying. But it remains to be seen if it will hold up when we get more cases, says Mats Martinel.

“we are worried”

He urges anyone showing symptoms to be tested at area sampling stations, whether or not they have been vaccinated.

We who work in the field of infection tracing and control of the epidemic are of course concerned about this because we see in this small article that there are many who have been vaccinated getting sick. But be aware that you can get sick even if you have been vaccinated, says Mats Martinel.