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Ultra-runner Joasia Zakrevskiy cheated – suspended for one year

Ultra-runner Joasia Zakrevskiy cheated – suspended for one year

In April, ultra-runner Joasia Zakrzewski, 47, from Great Britain, competed in an eight-mile race between Manchester and Liverpool. She finished third in the race but it soon became clear that all was not well.

She tricked Joasia Zakrzewski on her way home – by driving. She herself admitted that she jumped into the car and drove four kilometers at the end of the race. She was immediately washed and stripped of her results and I explained the whole matter to her.

Zakrzewski lives in Australia and has traveled to England to race. She said she suffered from jet lag and was not feeling well or mentally clear. But she chose to start anyway. She told the BBC that her leg was injured when she got lost and began limping, and that a friend had a car with him.

She also said she wanted to stop the race but staff along the course convinced her to continue running. She ran, saying she was careful not to pass any runners before the finish line. But it was the third. I went up to the podium after finishing.

Being punished now

And now she has received her punishment. according to Watchman Zakrzewski was suspended for twelve months by the British Athletics Federation’s disciplinary committee. The board did not believe Zakrevski’s explanation of cheating and for a year she was not allowed to compete in sanctioned competitions, represent Great Britain or work as a coach.

According to The Guardian, Zakrzewski wrote in a commentary to the committee:

“I accept that on that day I was traveling in a car and then I finished the race, crossed the finish line and improperly received a medal and a cup, which I did not immediately return as I should have done.”

However, she is adamant that she told staff along the track that she was injured and when she chose to continue she was out of the race. The Guardian wrote that staff along the track gave a different picture of the incident. They say that Joasia Zakrusek talked to them about withdrawing from the competition, was persuaded to continue, and that she then did so as part of the competition. They also say they have no information about the drive.

Joasia Zakrusek competed for Great Britain in numerous events and claimed World Cup medals in ultra running. Earlier this year, she set a world record for running for 48 hours.

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