The Ukrainian Air Force destroyed 22 Russian drones on Sunday morning, according to the Telegram messaging service. The Russian drone attacks are said to have taken place in the Odessa region, Ukraine’s most important sea link with the outside world. Two civilians are said to have been injured, as well as critical infrastructure in the port area.
According to the Air Force, these are Iranian Shahed drones. And 25 such shells were fired at the area on Sunday morning.
In July, Russia withdrew from an agreement Turkey had negotiated with the United Nations to export grain. Since then, Russia has consistently carried out attacks specifically targeting Ukrainian grain depots. In late August, Ukraine reported that 270,000 tons of grain had been destroyed in the attacks in one month.
“done successfully”
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in late August that there were no alternative routes other than the original grain deal with Ukraine and Russia. Despite this, the Josef Schulte two weeks ago passed through a temporary passage, according to Ukraine. Now two more have succeeded, says President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“Two more ships have successfully passed through our temporary grain passage in the Black Sea,” Zelensky wrote. on Xformerly Twitter.
He did not specify where the ships were heading or what cargo they were carrying.
“I thank all port workers and everyone who ensures the success of corridor security. We call on our allies to support our efforts by contributing more air defense systems,” Zelensky wrote.
Putin and Erdogan meeting
In mid-August, the ship “Joseph Schulte” was the first civilian ship from Ukraine to reach a Turkish port, since the Russian blockade. The transfer, which was said to have been supported by the United States, took place via an alternative route under the protection of NATO countries Romania and Bulgaria. It never reached international waters.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to meet his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Sochi, Russia, on Monday to discuss the grain deal.
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