Letter to the Editor
What is a frog? Is it a small animal that looks like a frog (although it walks instead of hops) or is it basically an electronic tablet?
It is very worrying that the evolution of society has led to us humans becoming increasingly sedentary and spending too much time on screens. Half of children and young people believe that time spent on computers and screens negatively affects their lives. But even adults need to move more. From liberals, we want more people to experience and be fascinated by amphibians and to reduce the time they spend on tablets. That we must move from screen time to play time.
Sitting still is not good for us. Physical activity is very important for human health, both physical and mental. Fundamentally, it is a matter of freedom. The German sociologist and politician Ralf Dahrendorf coined the concept of life chances, a central concept for liberals. For those in ill health, life chances are lower and freedom is less. For this reason at least, it is worrying that children and young people are moving less and less.
Västmanland is also above the national average when it comes to obesity. Lack of physical activity is one reason, and another is unhealthy habits when it comes to food and drink. Consumption of less healthy foods is increasing in our county.
There is therefore a need for greater ambition in the province to promote healthy habits and physical activity. The region and municipalities must work together to promote physical activity in schools, organized sports, as well as spontaneous sports, movement and play. We must increase the joy of movement in society. As Liberals we highlight this in our work in the region and in the regional development plan.
A very important part of this is prioritizing movement and physical activity in school. This is where the foundation for good habits is laid. It cannot and should not be limited to PE lessons where students move their bodies.
The low level of education in Västmanland affects health and vice versa. Therefore, it is important for the Liberals to raise the level of education in the province.
As individuals, we do not have the opportunity to influence everything that affects us. Our genes, our parents, and the environment in which we grow up are largely beyond our control. But we can influence our health for the better every day through the choices we make for ourselves and our children. Municipalities, regions, and other actors can set the conditions, but ultimately it is the individual who makes the decision to drop the screen, open the front door, and move.
Richard Falkvist (left) Regional Councillor responsible for public health, Västmanland Region
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