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We must have new rules in space

We must have new rules in space

As more countries enter space, new rules are required. Britain is now asking the United Nations to discuss a definition of what constitutes responsible behavior in space.

There are rumors that large satellite swarms could disrupt operations in space as well as on Earth. Among other things, there are astronomers who are skeptical of Spacex’s deployment of 1,584 satellites in the constellation Starlink.

But today there is no way to prevent anyone from implementing even the stupidest projects in space. And who really decides what is not acceptable?

The British Foreign Office has now introduced a draft resolution calling on the United Nations to enter into a debate among all member states about what defines responsible behavior in space. They are reports Engineering and technology.

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More and more private actors want to launch their technology into space – there are even companies that want to use cubic satellites with sails to write advertising messages, which will be visible from Earth.

The UK, like all countries, has a number of socially critical regions dependent on satellite that are not disrupted or devastated – and this applies to everything from phone to banking and GPS. It is true that more than 50 years ago there was an international agreement banning nuclear weapons in space, but the Foreign and Commonwealth Office states that there are in principle no meaningful restrictions on weapons in space.

“Space disputes can have far-reaching consequences, and everyone in power should understand the importance of this, not only for their economies but also the importance of global security. Preventing harmful activities and minimizing the risk of accidents is very important to Britain,” British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said. Dependent on space systems. “

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