The upcoming “Penguin” sub-series follows the 2022 Batman movie and tells of the Penguin’s attempt to take over Gotham’s underworld. Just like in the movie, Academy Award winner Colin Farrell is seen in the lead role. He previously commented on the plot of the series:
The Penguin begins about a week after the conclusion of The Batman movie. So Gotham City is still somewhat underwater… I read the first script for episode one, and it opens with my feet splashing in the water in Falcone’s office. Even that alone, reading it, I was like, “Oh, my God.” It’s nice. It’s well written.”
Other roles include Christine Milioti, Michael Zegen, Clancy Brown, Michael Kelly, Renzy Velez, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Deirdre O’Connell, Carmen Ejogo, Francois Chau, and David H. Holmes. As HBO Max director Sarah Aubrey told Variety about the series:
The point of this is to show what it’s like to live in Oz and that much on the streets of Gotham, trying to get up and running again as only the Penguin can. As a prankster and strategist with his own ambitions. It’s a great example of taking the time over eight episodes to tell a longer character story with so much more. Of delicious twists and turns and new characters. It’s going to be very much about Gotham on this street level, because it doesn’t fly like Batman. We’re all embracing that as a very specific experience that audiences should have.”
The series “The Penguin” is coming to streaming service Max in 2024.
Image: Warner Bros.
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