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^ Warp News #173

^ Warp News #173

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🌞 Welcome to Stockholm Climate Week

We at Warp News are excited to be a partner of Stockholm Climate Week, and as part of the Warp community you have the opportunity Sign up for free.

I will speak on Wednesday, at 19:20. Feel free to say hello if you are there then!

Here you can find programs and register for free.

🤖 Don’t break the AI, at Aftonbladet

last monday I wrote in Aftonbladet On why resting AI is bad and harmful. But also why we should be so skeptical in general when the alarm sounds:

“Like all warnings and exaggerated claims of danger, these are inherently harmful. They scare people and create unfounded anxiety. Alarm-mongers have warned of our doom for thousands of years. … But this time is different, they always say. And then it turns out that no, That time was no different either.”

This afternoon I participate in Svenska Dagbladet’s editorial podcast, on the same topic. Maybe also on P1 tomorrow morning.

Matthias Sundin
Angry optimist

Tech panic style

Tech panic also follows Gartner’s hype curve, and in the worst case can lead to ill-considered impositions and restrictions, writes Waldemar Engdahl.

Read the article on Warp News

Climate skeptics slow development to a better society

Here are two arguments for why you should turn to sustainability, which have nothing to do with climate change.

Read the article on Warp News

Optimistic news this week based on facts

💉 Fewer children are dying of malaria thanks to the new vaccine

Over the past three years, the number of hospitalized children dying of malaria has dropped dramatically in Kenya, thanks to the launch of the world’s first malaria vaccine.

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The new gel gives hope for regrowth of brain tissue

Cerebral hemorrhage causes many deaths and disabilities worldwide. A cure for brain tissue loss used to be lacking – but there may be a breakthrough now.

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🛰️ Satellite monitors air pollution, almost in real time

Learn how a groundbreaking satellite network will revolutionize air pollution monitoring across the Northern Hemisphere, providing near-real-time data to improve public health alerts and strengthen the links between pollution and health.

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📸 The new tiny camera, the size of a grain of salt, can take pictures inside the body

The revolutionary micro camera, about the size of a grain of salt, will change the way we take pictures. By combining the power of meta-optics with machine learning, the researchers have achieved previously unprecedented image quality.

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📰 An angry optimist in Aftonbladet about breaking AI

Warp News Editor-in-Chief Matthias Sundin discusses the AI ​​break at Aftonbladet.

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🌞 Welcome to Stockholm Climate Week

As part of the Warp community, you get access for free.

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