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Unknown species can be found in giant canyons in China

A hole 306 meters deep and 150 meters wide was discovered in China.

In the hole, researchers found a forest – it may contain unknown species.

This is great news, says George Finney, president of the US National Cavern Institute (NCKRI).

The giant crater was discovered in the Leye district of Chinareports Live Science.

Researchers say that the fact that canyons were discovered in southern China in particular is not a coincidence because the country is home to many landscape formations that don’t seem out of this world.

In China, you have these incredibly clear canyons and great cave openings that you don’t have in other parts of the world, says George Finney.

He explains that holes as large as these are an excellent source of life and that something new can be found in the hole.

In the esophagus, researchers found a forest that may contain an unknown species.
In the esophagus, researchers found a forest that may contain an unknown species.

Many canyons in the county

“This is great news, I wouldn’t be surprised if they find something that science hasn’t previously known or reported,” he said.

Aside from the fact that there may be species unknown to science in the hole, they are also ideal capsules for keeping things.

It’s the only kind of water tank that can get contaminated with waste without anything happening, says Vinny.

This is the thirtieth crater discovered in Leye County in Guangxi Zhuang Province. The site is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as there are many rock formations, natural bridges and canyons in the area.

The inspection hatch was discovered in Leye, China.