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Tropical ticks spread: they can carry infectious agents

Tropical ticks spread: they can carry infectious agents

In order to map how ticks are spreading in Sweden and to warn of new species that can carry dangerous viruses, the public is now asked to send photos of their findings to the State Veterinary Institute (SVA).
– One of the goals is to be able to find unusual fortresses that don’t usually occur in Sweden, says SVA researcher Giulio Grandi.

Climate change has contributed to an increase in tick prevalence in Sweden, while new species continue to be discovered. The SVA now wants the public to help with extra eyes.

– One of the goals is to be able to find unusual forts that don’t usually occur in Sweden, but it’s important to know if there are cases, he says Julio Grande.

Tropical tick tracking

The tick most common in Sweden is distributed north. At the same time, researchers at the SVA monitor tropical “migratory ticks” and “variety dog ​​ticks” that are becoming increasingly common in the world.

– The castle of migratory birds can carry dangerous infectious agents from humans and bacteria not found in Sweden.

– Variegated canine ticks can carry TBE and Lyme disease, which are already present in Sweden, but this is of concern because they can carry parasites that can lead to severe disease in dogs, says Giulio Grandi.

“helps a lot”

Now people can through SVA “Castle Report” Submit pictures or descriptions of ticks.

Sweden is a big country to watch. If people can take pictures of castles themselves, that helps a lot.

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Researchers are primarily interested in strange castles that are not found in the country, but they can be difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

– In some cases you can tell if it is an unusual tick using the images in the “Report Tick” tool, but in some cases it is not possible.