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Travel to the UK is affected by Brexit

Interest in traveling to the country is declining

One in four Swedes in the UK are declining with Brexit.
One in four Swedes in the UK are declining with Brexit.

Rounds around Brexit have been a lot, and it’s not clear yet. But if the UK chooses to leave the European Union, this could have consequences for tourism in the country. Every fourth Swede will have less interest in traveling to the country after Brexit, according to Ticket’s Sifo survey.

United kingdom It is really a popular destination among Swedes. The big city life of London, the historic city center of Edinburgh, or the mix of beach and city in Brighton attract Swedes year after year. But this may change, or at least decrease.

24 per cent of Swedes said Brexit would affect their interest in traveling to the country, according to the latest Technics poll by Sifo. These people believe that interest will decrease, while the number of Swedes who have an increased interest in traveling to the country is only 3 percent.

The United Kingdom is one of the most popular holiday countries for Swedes, and London is an incredibly popular city for weekend getaways all year round. If Brexit means that freedom of movement will be affected – unless agreed otherwise – this affects the desire of many Swedes to vacation in the country, says Katharina Daniels, Director of Public Relations and Communications at Ticket, in a press release. .

London is a popular city to visit, and many still take an interest in the city.

turbulent negotiations

In June 2016, a referendum in the United Kingdom resulted in exit from the European Union. In total, 51.9 per cent were in favor of Brexit. The plan was first for the withdrawal to take place in March 2019, then on October 31. The UK now wants to delay withdrawal until January 31, 2020 and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has proposed fresh elections. What it will be like with agreements for further UK-EU relations is unclear.

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In the event of a withdrawal, Swedish women between the ages of 60 and 79 have decreased interest in visiting the country, according to a Tickets poll. Interest generally decreases more among women, and the proportion who think Brexit will not affect interest in traveling to the UK is greater among men, with 64 per cent stating so. Only 57 per cent of women would not be affected by Brexit in terms of interest.

Tickets booking statistics confirm that UK interest is waning. In 2019, the number of travel bookings fell by 20 percent compared to last year.

Will Brexit, Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, affect your interest in traveling to Britain?

  • Yes, my interest in traveling to the UK will drop by 24 percent
  • Yes, my interest in traveling to the UK will increase by 3 percent
  • No, my interest won’t change, 61 percent
  • Doubtful, I don’t know, 13 percent