On Sunday the train was just outside St Pölten, on its way to Vienna, when the ghost of an Austrian from the past was heard again. Suddenly Hitler’s speech was uttered loudly from the loudspeakers, write standard.
“Sieg Heil” and “Heil Hitler” echoed throughout the train’s carriages. One of the travelers, environmental politician David Stogmüller, captured the recording on film. He described how the train attendant could helplessly do nothing but listen to Hitler over the loudspeakers.
Gerade wurde im RailJet 661 mehrmals “Sieg Heil” rufe durch das Lautsprechersystem ausgestrahlt! Die Zugbegleiterin complete hilflos @employee ich hoffe es erfött Anzeige und schleunigst Aufklärung! pic.twitter.com/S8kx5ZnnpZ
– David Stoegmueller (@Stoegmueller)
May 14, 2023
to BBC David Stögmüller says that a passenger commented that “technical problems” in other countries relate to, for example, air conditioners not working.
– In Austria, the technical problem is Hitler.
Also on the train was Rabbi Shlomo Hoffmeister of Vienna, who angrily tweeted about his experience. He believed that some “Nazi bus boys” had hacked into the speaker system.
Key entered
“It was offensive to hear some travelers who started laughing at the sound of Hitler’s voice and the words ‘Sieg Heil! He roared through the loudspeakers, and from the train company there was no explanation or reassuring message, but everything was ignored!” he wrote on Twitter.
VERSTÖREND empfand ich va, als einige Fahrgäste zu lachen starteden, als die Stimme Hitlers & die Worte „Sieg Heil!” aus den Lautsprechern dröhnten & von Seiten der Bahn keinerlei Erklärung oder Beruhigdern dasurde, son.https://t.co/6p3US78iqI
– Shlomo Hofmeister (RabbiHofmeister)
May 15, 2023
However, some hackers don’t seem to be on the move. On the contrary, the train company ÖBB believes that the perpetrators gained access to the microphone with a key, and then managed to carry away a mobile phone with Hitler’s recordings. How they obtained the key is not clear, but ÖBB employees are unlikely, a company spokesperson tells Standard.
This is not the first time something like this has happened on trains in Austria. Video footage showing two suspicious people getting off at Vienna Meidling station has been handed over to the police.
Also read: Erdoğan pulled out the Nazi card five times
Also read: The Pope is in Big Trouble – Compare the Leaders to Hitler
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