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Trade between Sweden and the UK is set to fall – businesses are worried

Trade between Sweden and the UK is set to fall – businesses are worried

It is difficult for property owners to catch up with the spring, the main administrative hump. The challenge is to have employees with the right skills. Then it’s easy to pass the work on to the experts who work full time with this.

We spoke with Anna Rosengren, Senior Accountor Adviser, who helps many real estate companies with financial work.

– Many real estate companies should be ready with their annual management already in the first quarter or no later than the end of June. And it’s not the same work done in the fall in a real estate firm as you do in the spring with annual management and consolidation. Anna says it’s a job that requires a completely different skill.

It is possible to save a lot of money for a real estate company by doing the right thing, regardless of whether it is about interest deduction restrictions, value-added tax, property tax optimization, or the income tax process.

– It is usually not possible to justify the presence of a VAT specialist, tax specialist, and group specialist within a real estate company. But we have the Accountor. In addition, my colleagues and I only work with this, so we are more accurate than if I were well versed in economics. There are constantly new rules and updates, for example in the VAT area, and our job is to update and make sure that our customers use the rules so that it is useful for them, Anna continues.

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Read accountant information for landlords here.

Read more about accountant services here.

The accountant is at the forefront of many things, including automation and flows. They review that you are working efficiently with your money.

Even with companies that believe they are completely digital and have an efficient process, I’ve seen that we can make a big difference through more simplification. Many real estate companies are also too small to have the best systems and the most efficient processes – when we collaborate, they can follow our developed systems and processes and thus have the same standing as the major real estate companies. We have specialist expertise with us and are happy to provide advice and support to our clients on complex issues. We, for example, are good at supporting acquisitions and sales. To the real estate companies that are having a hard time keeping up with the annual management this spring, I just want to say: leave these tasks to the experts, so that you can devote yourself to something else, Anna concludes.

About the accountant:

Accountor is one of the largest full service agencies in Northern Europe in the field of finance, payroll and human resources. In Sweden, 300 employees in 8 corporate locations support services with services that include security, relief, advice, long-term perspective and opportunity for development. The accountant helps companies have a more efficient economy and more efficient employee operations.