I, who have unfortunately been slightly disappointed over the years, feel no immediate hope for any major changes for the better for us citizens of Sweden in the coming year. As a diesel traveller, I'm naturally grateful that the abatement obligation has finally been reduced, but other than that I don't have much to spare for the government's constant populist rhetoric with promises of “new, tougher requirements” and so on. So there is a lot to hope for in the new year.
• Improving skid resistance control on our roads! In the last four or five years, I think (as a frequent traveler) it has gotten much worse, even on the main, busier roads. They are not properly salted anymore! Are there more people than me who notice this deterioration?
There also seem to be a lot of accidents related to road skidding, so what are insurance companies really saying? It does not appear to have been proactively salted despite warnings about slippage, and when it is salted, it is usually done too late and too little (with a weak brine sprayed in a very small amount). More salt and frequent thanks, and safer roads for car, bus, truck and emergency vehicle drivers!
• Better meeting culture – everywhere! At my work and everywhere else. God knows how much time is wasted due to useless/ineffective meetings. The worst are presentations in which someone reads from within PowerPoint to large groups of educated people. Away from such things! Let people read for themselves. Hold meetings only when necessary and ensure they are constructive. Calculate a little what it looks like with the number of hours you spend in meetings in your organization each week and consider whether the time could be put to better use?
• When we still talk about meetings; Away from unnecessary conferences! Why do you need to travel far and stay in a hotel for conference and meeting? Many people don't like it, but they think it's a harm and a scoundrel. Sure, this might be necessary if you really need to meet and congregate from different parts of the country, but when the same working groups that work together every day need to be booked into night conferences, I think it's something that can be avoided. Especially in the public sector where tax money is used. far!
• More rational priorities in all public activities! Press “control+alt+delete” in many companies. Restart. Away from tax-funded activities that benefit the questionable citizen. Away from the unnecessary nonsense that no one would miss anyway. Away from unnecessary communicator, coordinator, pilot and planner services.
Instead, make sure that what we really need works satisfactorily. In a country with such a high tax burden as Sweden, it is absolutely unreasonable that so much money could be allowed to whoop. Health care is difficult to access and is rationed, school has long been allowed to fall into disrepair, we suffer from insecurity in many areas, crime has risen, there is widespread welfare fraud, we have a failing energy system, etc. The list can be made as long as desired for things that are not working satisfactorily.
A companion for politicians at all levels: set priorities sensibly and based on what is most important! Imagine a house of cards! It must be built thoughtfully, with a solid base. It is not possible to increase the height with new flooring if the base is unstable and this is exactly what you need to think about. House of Cards, alternatively Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If tax dollars were used to build a safe and stable foundation instead of wasting them on unnecessary trifles, our country would be much better off. Make Sweden work again!
• Last but not least, I hope more people will start to really care and speak up when necessary. If you want change, you actually need to participate and contribute, not passively watch and think “someone else” will solve things. Change is possible, but what is required is that we engage and work for the change and the future we want.
“The future does not exist and cannot be predicted. It must be conceived and invented.” (HP Gelatin)
Please keep this quote in your mind through 2024. The next time you hear John Lennon sing “Let's Hope It's a Good Song” – sing along, but instead sing “Let's Make It a Good Song”!
Magdalena Liedstam
margin: Magdalena Lidstam lives in Overeum, is a mother of four and a public health scientist. She currently works at Arbetsförmedlingen in Västerwijk as an employment broker, especially in the field of work-life-oriented rehabilitation. She was previously politically active for the moderates in Västerwijk and is now the head of the Medborgerlig Samling district in Kalmar County. Magadalena Lidestam has a keen interest in social issues. The opinions expressed are the author's own.
“Unapologetic writer. Bacon enthusiast. Introvert. Evil troublemaker. Friend of animals everywhere.”
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