
Complete British News World

The United States launched the attack – with warplanes and warships

The United States launched the attack – with warplanes and warships

As recently as last week He abandoned the Swedish company Odd Molly.

The owner of the struggling brand is Danish giant Nordic Fashion Brands – which is now following in Odd Molly's footsteps and declaring bankruptcy itself.

This was reported by Danish media.

– It started with the late accounts and ended here. It's a disaster in every possible way, but there's nothing we can do about it. You have to look forward, says Nick Jensen, the company's president, in a statement to DetailWatch according to TV2.

It also owns Noa Noa

Nordic Fashion Brands also owns the popular clothing chain Noa Noa.

The chain, for example, is big with its Zalando online store, which offers hundreds of products from there. In addition, there are seven physical stores in Sweden, including Malmö, Gothenburg and Örebro.

There is currently no information about what will happen to these stores and their employees.

In Norway, Noa Noa went bankrupt in August and its clothes can no longer be bought either there or in Denmark – stores in Elsinore and Roskilde have closed.

It was put into reconstruction

According to Ehandel, Nordic fashion brands were subjected to forced dissolution in Denmark and were later rebuilt.

Anders the lawyer Orskov Melpally was appointed bankruptcy trustee.

He tells DetailWatch that there is a lot of inventory in the company, which also includes stores and intellectual property. The latter refers, among other things, to the company's brand and logo.

Cold shower

Noa Noa was founded in 1981 by brothers Harald and Lars Holstein.

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The brand focused mainly on female customers and wrote on its website that it initially offered “a feminine and more romantic alternative to the stricter fashions then in vogue.”

Groups are being set up in Denmark, where both landlord and dealers are on strike again.

Bankruptcy was a cold shower for Noa Noa, who spoke of the collaboration with Nordic Fashion Brands as an “exciting new journey”.

In addition to Noa Noa and Odd Molly, Nordic Fashion Brands also owns the following brands:

– Copenhagen is not made

-Denim project

– Mini Noa Noa

Photo: A. Belyakin

Text: Editors