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The new French government leans to the right.

The new French government leans to the right.

Bruno Retaillo, leader of the right-wing Republican Party group in the Senate, takes over as interior minister.

Jean-Noël Barrot, in alliance with Macron's centrist coalition and previously Minister for European Affairs, changes his portfolio and becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Sébastien Lecornu, also a centrist, remains in his post as defence minister.

The first challenge is expected to fall to new Finance Minister Antoine Armand, from Macron's camp, who will present the budget to the diverse parliament next month.

Protesters in Paris

In the parliamentary elections held in early July, both the unified left and the far right made strong advances, but without achieving a sufficient majority. Instead, Macron’s movement had to turn to the traditional right to try to form a new government.

Left-wing opposition politicians have already announced plans to file a no-confidence motion.

Hundreds of left-wing demonstrators took to the streets of Paris on Saturday to protest against the new government. Their banners read, among other things, “Remove Macron.”

“We are here today to protest that Macron opposed democracy and did not respect the choice of the French people when he appointed Michel Barnier as prime minister. They did not win a majority in the elections,” protester Le Moltier told Reuters.

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