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The new district manager returns to the roots

The new district manager returns to the roots

The new district manager returns to the roots

Lisa Kennary began her position as District Manager in Skarholmen on 9 October.

Skarholmen District Administration

Lisa Kennary began her career as a social secretary in Skarholmen in the 1980s. She is now back as the new district manager.

The vision is for the entire Skarholm area to become safe.

Last week, the Skarholmen district administration appointed a new district director. Lisa Kinnare recently came from a district manager job in Bromma, but she’s not new to Skarholmen.

-I think it’s fun to come here because this is where I started my career. She worked as a social secretary in Skarholmen from 1988 to 2000. She says that changing your job is usually nerve-racking, but it wasn’t at all, it felt like coming home.

Why did you want to return to Skarholmen?

– I think it is a very exciting region, as there are good conditions and great challenges here. “Given my background in social services and my current focus on security work, I think it is fun to be able to come here and contribute to making Skarholmen safer,” she says.

She also feels at home in the area having lived for several years in Fruängen and spent a lot of time in Skärholmen. I went here, among other things, to swim in the pool and outdoors, but also to shop. She also has her boat in Satra.

Between her work as social secretary in Skarholmen and district director in Bromma, Lisa Kinnari worked as head of social services in Södermalm.

What are the biggest differences between working in Bromma and in Skarholmen?

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– In Rome, the population doubles, and at the same time you have less money per resident according to the city’s distribution system. But other than that it’s the same job. What’s also similar, she says, is the large natural areas in both regions.

What do you take with you from your time in Rome?

-You always take the work you’ve done with you. To me, the system is important, and we have to track taxpayer money and make sure it goes to those who need it most.

What visions do you have for Skarholmen?

– Skarholmen must become a safe neighborhood area where people feel safe.

Can you contribute something special there?

– No, I am not alone, but I am convinced that we can do it together, all managers and employees together with all other actors.

Lisa Kennary started her job at Skarholmen on 9 October. The previous district manager in Skarholmen was Patrick Ahberg, who moved on to the position of municipal manager in Ekero.

New area manager

Name: Lisa Kennary

Current with: New District Manager in Skarholmen

Background: Social Secretary in Skarholmen, Head of Social Services in Södermalm, District Director in Bromma.

Vision: For Skarholmen to be safe.

Life: Södermalm

Source: City of Stockholm

But he sees that returning to their homeland.