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The majority of Finns want to join NATO

The majority of Finns want to join NATO

The survey was submitted by the Finnish public service company Yle on Monday as a “historic change”. In the past, support for NATO membership was low in Finland, and most Finns were against joining NATO.

– In practice, the numbers for supporters and opponents have changed, says Juho Rakonen at the research institute that conducted the survey.

The poll began last Wednesday, February 23, the day before the Russian attack. It expired two days later, on Friday February 25th.

The question is: Should Finland join the defense alliance? To that, 53 percent answered yes, 28 percent no, and one-fifth, 19 percent, answered I don’t know.

in the corresponding measure In 2017, only 19 percent were in favor of joining NATO. In a survey conducted by MTV News in January of this year, the number rose to 30 percent.

Among men, according to Yle, 64 percent now answer yes and 26 percent no, only 10 percent don’t know. Among women, there is also more yes, 41 percent, than 31 percent who oppose NATO membership, while the next – 28 percent – is unsafe.

Finland, like Sweden, is outside NATO. The two countries work closely together on defense and security policy. According to the survey, there are more supporters of NATO membership than opponents in almost all Finnish political parties.

An SvT survey reported on February 25 Show that the number of Swedes joining the membership has increased slightly. The investigation conducted by Novus before the Russian attack. It showed 41 percent in favor of NATO membership, 35 percent against, and 24 percent saying they were unsafe.

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